
New Jobs

  • Geoprobe® Macro-Core MC5 & MC7 Systems

    Geoprobe® Dual Tube DT22 & DT325 Systems

  • Geoprobe® SP16 Groundwater Sampling System

    Geoprobe® SP22 Groundwater Sampling System

  • Geoprobe® PRT Systems

    Geoprobe® Vapor Implants

    Cox Colvin Sub Slab Vapor Pins

  • Alpine can install 1” PVC through 2.25” direct push rods. In some lithologies we can install shallow 2” PVC or prepack wells through 3.25” direct push rods.

Auger Services

  • Split Spoon Sampling

    Shelby & California Tube Sampling

    CME Continuous Sampling System

  • Alpine can install up to 4” monitoring or extraction wells utilizing either flight or hollow stem augers.

  • Alpine has ODEX capabilities to advance casing in less forgiving lithologies.

Alpine Remediation, Inc., (Alpine) is a Woman-owned business established in 2001 to serve our clients in their environmental drilling and remediation activities. Alpine is located in Golden, Colorado, but provides direct push drilling, auger drilling, and remediation services nationwide. Alpine carries the following certifications related to their woman owned status:

  • Economically Disadvantaged Women Owned Small Business (EDWOSB) by the U.S. Small Business Administration, 

  • by the Colorado Department of Transportation,

  • by the City and County of Denver, and

  • by the Regional Transportation District (RTD).

Alpine leverages its 20+ years of experience in the Environmental Remediation industry to support you on every site, every day.